Wet in the winter, dry in the summer, Soggy Bottom truly lives up to its name in the months of November through March.

The farm is situated in the Peterson Creek sub-basin of the Cedar-Sammamish-Lake Washington watershed. Spring lake is about 1000 feet to the north of Soggy Bottom, and drains through Spring Lake Creek through the center of the pastures flowing south and the west into Peterson Lake. Lake Desire to the west also drains through the farm in the winter.
The center of the property at one point in time was likely lake bottom, however, it has filled with a highly organic soil over the last couple thousand years. The soil type is called "Seattle Muck." Boy does it live up to its name! It is a true wetland soil. All of the moisture leads to extremely soggy, even flooded soils during the rainy season. It also leads to green productive pastures during the driest parts of the summer months.
